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By-Laws for the Southern Association of Dance Masters


Section 1. The name of the Association shall be known as the SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF DANCE MASTERS, INC., a non-profit corporation.


ARTICLE II: Membership

Section 1. The membership of the Association shall consist of such individuals as may be eligible under the various classifications described in this Article.

Section 2. There shall be four classifications of membership as follows: Active, Honorary, Certified Student Member and Junior Member.

Section 3. Active membership shall be extended to individuals who are qualified teachers of the dance: At least 18 years of age; who have been actively engaged as teachers or assistant teachers of dance for a period of not less than two years prior to the date of their application for membership in this Association, and upon their examination are found to be proficient teachers in dance.

Section 4. Honorary membership may be granted to those individuals who by their artistic work have done much for and in the interest of the Association, and/or who have gained outstanding recognition in the associated arts. Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of dues.

Section 5. A Commemorative Award shall be given to members of the Association who have completed 25 years of membership, and who have paid dues for that length of time.

Section 6. Three negative votes of the members present at any regular meeting shall be sufficient to reject any application for membership upon giving valid reasons.

Section 7. Voting upon applications for membership shall be by voice vote, unless a secret ballot is demanded by the majority of members present at the time of voting upon such application.

Section 8. Application for membership in this association must be made in writing and proposed by one member of the association in good standing or two letters of recommendation by professionals in the field of dance who can vouch for the applicant’s good moral character, together with his or her qualifications as a teacher of the dance.

Section 9. Applicants for membership in this organization shall be voted on by the membership at the meeting following testing. Objections to any applicant must be submitted in writing to the President within 30 days.

Section 11. All candidates upon their election to the membership shall be escorted before the members of the Association in open meetings by the Chairman of the Examining Board, who shall introduce them to the President, Officers and Members of the Association by reading the following ceremony.

“I (with name) pledge myself to conform to all laws and rules of the Southern Association of Dance Masters; to do my best toward elevation of the Art of Dancing. For proof of which I do hereby affirm that I will uphold the Constitution and By-Laws and will comply with the requirements and my professional and ethical obligations to the best of my ability.”

“It is now my pleasure to inform you that you are duly accepted into membership of Southern Association of Dance Masters.”

(Remarks by Chairman)

Mr. President and colleagues, it is with much pleasure that I present you


ARTICLE III: Dues and Convention Fees, Registration Fees

Section 1. The board shall determine all workshop and convention fees and the amount of and manner of payment of annual dues.

Section 2. A Certificate of Membership signed by the President and Secretary, the Code of Ethics described in Article IX, and a copy of the By-Laws shall be given to each new member upon their election to membership at time of their presentation to the Association.

Section 3. Any member of the Association who has been suspended for non- payment of dues may be reinstated by making written application for such rein statement and upon payment of such fee as may be determined by the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE IV: Meetings

Section 1. At least two regular meetings of this Association will be held each year.

Section 2. Special meetings of this Association will be held each year.

Section 3. Twelve members of this Association present at any regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting the business of the Association.

Section 4. Seven members of the Board will constitute a quorum for Board business, providing all members have been duly notified at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

Section 5. A regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at all regular meetings of the Association.

Section 6. A Board meeting must be held after election of new Board members before returning home from the annual convention.


ARTICLE V: Board of Directors

Section 1. The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of Five (5) duly elected Members, two for a period of three (3) years, three (3) for a period of two (2) years and the duly elected officers.

Section 2. It is the duty of the Board to take charge of all property of the Association.

Section 3. It is the duty of the Board to provide a meeting place for conventions.


ARTICLE VI: Officers

Section 1. The Officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Second Vice President,

Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Five directors, Sergeant of Arms, and Immediate Past President.

Section 2. (a) Officers for the office of President, First vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected annually and may not be elected more than three times consecutively, with the exception of the Secretary. (b) Only those who have had an active membership for at least two years are eligible to an elective office.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the President to preside over all meetings of the Board and the Association; to designate the time and place for special meetings of the Board; to cause the Secretary to issue the call therefore, to direct the activities of the Association in the manner prescribed by the Board including the signing of contracts, and agreements made by and between the Association and all other associations, corporations, and individuals, said contracts and agreements also to be signed by the Secretary.

Section 4. The Immediate Past President, when present at any meeting of the Association, may sit at the right hand of the presiding officers and council with and advise the presiding officer on any matter of importance that may rise at any meeting of the Association.

Section 5. The First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President during the President’s absence or inability to serve and in case of vacancy caused by death or resignation he shall become President of the Association for the unexpired term. The First vice President shall be chairman of the Coordinating committee.

Section 6. The Second Vice President in the absence or inability of the First Vice President or President to act, shall assume the duties of the President and in the event that he may be unable to do so, the Association may elect a Chairman Pro Term, who shall have all the rights and powers of the President. The Second Vice President shall be the sub-chairman of the Examining Committee.

Section 7. (a) The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Association, and all Board Meetings, and keep an accurate record thereof in the Official Record Book of the Association. She shall send out all notices of all meetings of the Association to its members; notify all members of all committees that may be appointed; notify the board of Directors of all meetings.

Section 8. The treasurer shall receive all monies and securities, which are the property of this Association from his predecessor. He shall keep an accurate account of all monies received from him and all monies, deposited in the bank to the credit of the Association. He shall keep an accurate account of all expenditures of the Association. He shall issue receipts for all monies received by him and immediately deposit all monies received by him in a reliable banking institution to be designated by the Board of Directors in the name of the Association, using triplicate deposit slips.

One of such deposit slips shall be retained by the Treasurer for his permanent records.

Section 9. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall act as doorkeeper, execute such orders and deliver such messages to members of the Association as may be given to him by the Presiding Officer, and assist in keeping order at all meetings of the Association.

Section 10. The president has the authority to appoint the Principal, who is authorized to execute contracts on behalf of the Association for the faculty.

Section 11. In the event that any officer or board member shall be unable to complete a term of office, the President shall declare a vacancy in office and appoint, with consent of the board, a member to serve until the next regularly scheduled election.


ARTICLE VII: Committees

Section 1. Standing committees shall consist of: Coordination, Publicity, Condolence, Constitution, Nominating, Examining, Finance, Grievance, Hospitality, Registration, Monitors, Exhibitors, Ethics and Scholarship.

Section 2. Special committees shall consist of Installing Officer, Entertainment, Banquet.


ARTICLE VIII: Code of Ethics

Section 1. The following shall constitute the Code of Ethics, for active, honorary and certified student members of the Association, and each such member shall signify his intension and willingness to abide by the same manner hereinafter provided.

  1. I (We) will endeavor to enhance and enable the status of the dancing profession by maintaining a dignity of manner in my (our) behavior, in the presentation of my (our) teaching and dance services in the appearance of my (our) studio or place of business, and in all other forms of public conduct.

  2. I (We) will observe the highest standard of honesty in all my transactions, avoiding the use of false titles, confusing, or inaccurate technical terms of descriptions, and misleading terms or claims.

  3. I (We) will at all times endeavor to produce only the highest types of teaching and dancing services that will enhance the prestige of the profession, to apply my (our) best efforts in behalf of the public, and to play my (our) part in raising the general standard of art of the dance.

  4. I (We) will show a friendly spirit of cooperation with my (our) fellow dance teachers and assist them whenever possible should they be in trouble or difficulty.

  5. I (We) will at all times avoid the use of unfair competitive practices.

  6. I (We) will assist and give of my knowledge to the members of my (our) profession and will encourage them individually and collectively so that the quality of the dance may constantly be raised to higher standards.

  7. In all manners relating to the interpretation of this Code, I (we) will recognize the authority of the Southern Association of Dance Masters.

  8. In Witness whereof I (we) hereto append my (our) signature the date day of (month) (year).

Section 2. Upon acceptance of a candidate for active membership, a copy of The Code of Ethics shall be presented to such new member which he shall be required to sign and prominently display for the information of the public in or upon his studio premises or other place of business.

Section 3. All original application for active membership shall be retained in a permanent alphabetical file by the Secretary.

Section 4. Every member of this Association shall be at liberty at all times and in every respect to conduct his business as he sees fit, providing that in doing so he does not violate the Code of Ethics.


ARTICLE IX: Violations of Code of Conduct

Section 1. Upon receipt of a complaint in writing to the Secretary or any member of the Board that a member of the Association has violated the provisions of Article VII (Code of Ethics), the Secretary shall submit the complaint and all evidence submitted to an appointed committee, which shall make a thorough investigation. If the complaint appears to have justification and indicates either a violation of Article X or other unethical or unfair methods of activities, which tend to cast discredit upon the profession of dancing, the Chairman of the Committee shall submit the complaint together with all evidence and correspondence to the Board for whatever action they deem advisable.


ARTICLE X: The Order of Business

Section 1. The order of business of this Association shall be as follows:


1. Call meeting to order

2. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting

3. The receiving of applications for membership

4. The reading of all communications

5. Disposing of unfinished business

6. Receiving reports of committees

7. Transacting new business

8. Payment of bills

9. The introduction of new members

10. Discussion of receipts and disbursements

11. Announcements of receipts and disbursements

12. Adjournment

ARTICLE XI: Rules of Order

Section 1. In all question of parliamentary practice not covered by these by-laws, Roberts Rule of Order (Revised) shall prevail.


ARTICLE XII: Amendments

Section 1. The by-laws may be amended from time to time by a majority vote of the members of the grand body at any Annual or Special meeting after the amendment has been read at a previous meeting. Thus, the amendment would be read at a meeting, re-read and voted upon at the next meeting.


ARTICLE XIII: Dissolution

Section 1. In the event that Southern Association of Dance Masters, Inc. shall be dissolved, all assets after all bills are paid shall be converted to scholarships in the field of dance. Said scholarships to be determined by the Board of Directors.

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